
If you are offering a site, time to care for trees or a donation, please use our participation agreement form.

Contact us:
by email at
For up-to-date activities, find us on Facebook


Raising money is one aspect of our outreach. It takes $50 to purchase the root stock and other materials needed to plant each tree. In addition, we need sites and volunteers to help care for the trees. If you can help us with two or more of these important aspects, please fill in our agreement form. Already done that? Thanks! If you don’t currently have a site or time for tree care, you can skip the agreement and simply donate some money – we’ll put it good use meeting our mission of planting and caring for public, free-for-the-picking fruit and nut trees to help build resilient communities!

Any amount would be greatly appreciated. If you donate $50 or more, you can (optionally) have your name on a tree plaque as its financial sponsor. Please make checks payable to our fiscal sponsor, Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District – (just write ‘ONRCD‘). Mail your checks to:

Upper Valley Apple Corps
c/o Cat Buxton
135 Star Mountain Rd
Sharon VT 05065